Thursday, September 03, 2009

Can't eat, Can't sleep, Not falling in love!

For the past couple days I've only been eating to stay alive. I have to force myself to put the food in my mouth, chew and swallow. As if this isn't bad enough, I can't sleep. You'd think that since I can't sleep I would stay up late and be productive, or at least pass the time on facebook. This is not the case. I stay in bed, eyes closed, dreaming, but not sleeping. I have intense headaches probably due to the lack of sleep and maybe to the fact that I'm dehydrated. The only liquids to pass my lips is water and mouthwash I use to rinse.  I don't know how I to fix my current "im falling in love symptoms" especially since it's not due to the usual cause. Hopefully it will all go away soon and I can go back to being normal, as relative as that might be.

p.s.  Love kinda stinks sometimes, doesn't it?  just sayin...

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