Monday, November 16, 2009


Lately I've been bitter. Really bitter. I've been such a b!tch to everyone who has the ill fate of being around me. It seems like I can't even help being mean, but it's not that I can't help myself I no longer want to. I don't care. I no longer care about anything. I feel like I'm even pulling away from God because I'm so angry at everyone and everything and myself that I don't think God will listen to my prayers. I even feel angry when I think about praying. I can't talk to God" in that tone". I only have one emotion and the only way to express it is to scream, punch something or cry, or all of the preceding at the same time. I seriously need a vacation. Some time ALONE. Really alone. I just want to be alone.

* Things are bad when the only thing that makes me less angry is listening to "3" by Britney Spears. *


Misstarii said...

You said it, maybe you should take sometime away from everything and everyone, relax, breathe...sort it all out.
I know God understands all the emotions...just take time away.
Hope you feel better. :)

Robyn.K.Y said...

we all have our moments.
am glad to be here.