Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If you haven't done this tag yet, don't. Save it for a boring day. If you already have,feel free to do it again when you reach the place called canttakethisdayanymore. good therapy.

1. Where is my cell phone? hopefully at home waiting for me

2. My Vehicle? in the school parking lot

3. My hair? all tangled up!!!... see ppl, that's why i like to wear it in a ponytail

4. My father? is most likely on the computer at home, doing something math-related, or eating... maybe all of the above.

5. My favorite thing? chillin and listening to music/ talking to my crazy friends

6. My dream last night? something crazy...don't remeber what it was though, but i do remember waking up very confused!

7. My favorite drink? bacardi (strawberry flavor)

8. The room I am in? Library (geekish...eh?)

9. I am? going to a school for nerds!!!!!

10: I love? my Superman

11. What do I want to be in 10 years? a kick-ass Critical Care Doctor

12. Who did I hang out with today? my cousin

13. I am not_______? let the nerds at school creep me out!!!

14. What would not be in my fruit salad? hmmmm....

15. One of my wish list items? getting a chance to spend some 'quality time' with l'amour de ma vie!

16. Today I must________ ? go to bed early!

17. The last thing I did? answer the last question

18. What am I wearing? a black pants, a sexy red blouse and cute black shoes...

20. My computer? is at home

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Please allow me to vent.....

What in the world happened to the good qualities people used to possess like honesty, integrity, respect, etc. Today someone stole my dearly beloved phone and I am pissed!!!

This is what happened...

I was in a department store doing some shopping for school, while I was trying on a pair of shoes I placed my phone down beside me and then got up and left it. In less than a minute it was gone!!! Now, if I had seen a phone laying around that did not belong to me, I would have asked the customers in the store if they had lost a phone. This thief who will not even be able to use the damn phone walked off with my phone. Yes, I know I was careless to walk off and leave my phone but I wasn't even gone for a minute and that still didn't give anyone the right to take it. Besides, there were only 8 people in the store!!! How hard would it have been to ask who the owner of the phone was??? Not that hard!!! I think I know who took it too... sadly I couldnt say anything just in case I was wrong. Life sucks!!! I want my phone!!!

Now how am I gonna talk to my baby??? and my friends???


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Food for thought

I saw this somewhere and thought it would be nice to share it with my blogworld friends. For those of us who are getting ready to start another year of school these are some words we should be thinking of as we prepare ourselves for school.

Light up the world with your ideas.

The glory is not in never.

Inspiration is the light that transforms rain into rainbows.
The capacity for action,powered by passion.

There is no stronger force than the force of character.

Success is not something to wait for; it’s something to work for.

Without it, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.

Vision is seeing the opportunity inside the challenge.

The art of bringing out the best in other people.

Organization is the blueprint for building your dreams.


Find your limits, and then exceed them.

Step out, reach out, speak out-make things happen.