Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Single girl new years resolution

This year my new year resolution was not to make one so i wouldn't fail. Guess what? I failed at that too! sigh... so here is my new years resolutionS (lots of them) for this year. And not surprisingly they have to do with finding a man. how lame is that? fail again.

1. Join a co-ed softball team.
2. Never leave the house wearing sweatpants.
3. Use eye cream every single night!!
4. Apply more SPF.
5. Don’t go grocery shopping in big, baggy shirts.
6. Wear high heels more often.
7. Smile!

8. Drink less.
9. Eat less junk.
10. Say yes to being set up.

11. Say no to men who are only out for themselves.

12. Don’t waste more than one date on a bad prospect.

13. Pursue hobbies.
14. Exercise more.
15. Read more books.

16. Don’t date anyone under 28 or 29. (under 25 for me)
17. Stop looking at the 21-year-olds. (sigh... )
18. Borrow a dog and go to a dog park.
19. Work on savings, 401K, etc.
20. Learn to cook (argh).
21. Keep my room clean.
22. Try another dating web site.
23. Move to the suburbs where guys want to settle down.
24. Be sweet and don’t criticize men.
25. Stop cracking knuckles.

I'm adopting this list. lol. everything that is bolded and in red is what i'm gonna do.

* this is borrowed from a blog on yahoo by Erin Meanley*


cannalily said...

Nice one :-)
Sigh...yes, those 21-year-olds...darn!

Savvy Dreamer said...

it's almost March and all i've done is read more books and cook more often. im failing at this! gotta do much more

YenneCam said...

I'm on the same boat as you Hun =) Heart breaks make you stronger and better person because you Learn to love yourself more than ever before. You;ll walk with a sexier body and a happier insight. Cheers to yoU!

George said...

Well, sounds you don't like to be single (again?). Hope you'll find someone. I did.