Thursday, September 11, 2008

all sorts of Q&A

1. What’s worse - Physical or Mental cheating?

All cheating is bad... the beginning is mental.

2. Is it easier to forgive or forget?

Forgive.. forget is so hard to do.

3. Can men and women be ” Just Friends?”

I guess we can....

4. Dating co-workers?

Bad idea!!!

5. All expenses paid vacation to anywhere?

Europe... the entire continent!!!

6. On the way to the electric chair - What’s your last meal?

Stem fish and bammy from Little Ochie in JA.

7. Water parks are…?


8. When you are “In Love” do you notice other people?

nope... blind as a bat. It's very sad. I am hopelessly devoted.

9. Is flirting cheating?

makes me jealous ....

10. Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals?

1 great friend

11. If someone called you a bitch would you be offended?

yeah... might slap 'em too!!!

12. Are you ok with your significant other being friends with an ex?

Nope... I have just come to realization that I have a jealous nature.

13. Would you live with someone without marrying them?

no... things might happen that shouldn't. why set myself up for temptation.

14. Favorite sport?


15. Is toilet paper hung over or under?


16. Do you squeeze toothpaste from the middle or end of the tube?

who cares...

17. How do you feel about tanning booths?

i couldn't care less... i dont need it.

18. Friends with benefits?

yes please :-D

19. Do you believe in angels?


20. Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?

Both... take pics of myself... LMAO :-)

21. Have you ever flirted with someone you had no interest in?

oh yeah... i am now ashamed...

22. Ever kissed a random person and then walked away?

LMAO :-D yep... on a dare.... (well not truly random had seen the guy around school b4)

23. Would you buy bootleg merchandise?


24. What color looks best on you?


25. If you could play any sport professionally what would it be?


26. Ever break up with someone and regret it?

nope... not at all.

27. Are you a jealous person?

not over all... but ... yeah... with my 'person'.

28. Would you ever have plastic surgery?

no never!!!

29. When do you want to get married?

When I finish school.

30. Who has the sexiest accents?

English men.

31.Next concert you’re attending?


32. Favorite song?

Trust Me- Crystal Lewis.

33.Favorite movie?

Tough question... but I'm gonna say Grease

34. What’s your occupation?


35. What’s your sign?


36. Are you a beach, country or city person?

definitely country.

37. Best vacation spot you’ve been to?

Negril , Jamaica

38. Have you ever had a “secret affair?”


39. If you could own a non-traditional pet which would it be?


40. Favorite show as a child?

Walker Texas Ranger

41. Where do you spend most of your money?

on the bus...

42. Are you currently working at a job that you hate?

don't have a job

43. Have you ever been so heart broken that you called in sick to work?

skipped class...

44. Favorite summer drink?

Strawberry daquiri :-)

45. Can you change a car tire?

maybe... I know what to do but I've never tried before.

46. Favorite cologne / perfume?

Sicily - Dulce&Gabana

48. Would you consider yourself adventurous?

Nope... I'm kinda on the boring side these days...

49. What is your My Space profile song?

Don't have a Myspace... I'm ALL Facebook :-) although I hate the new one they have now... grrrrrrr....

50. Favorite concert attended?

Heritage Singers... a decade ago.

51. Would you date an already attached man / woman?

No way!!! Like having my people all to myself!!!

52. Would you sing Karaoke in front of co-workers?

My classmates.... hmmmmm... maybe...

53. Can you shoot pool?

I...a... hmmm... dunno

54. Do you like your siblings’ significant others?

My bro is currently single. well... my other brother has a girlfriend... I'm starting to like her... it'll make him happy :-)

55. Can you drive a stick?

I would love to learn!!! It's kinda sexy ;-)

56. Did you wear white at your wedding?

have never been married...

57. Have you ever sat and hoped for a phone call?

as pathetic as that is... yes...

58. Ever skip school and spend the day at the beach?


59. Favorite TV show/s?

House and CSI.

61. what are you waiting for at the movies?

Transformers 2

62. What is your favorite holiday?


63. Describe your fighting style: drunken master or angry monkey?

drunken monkey maybe... lol... I'm a LOVER not a FIGHTER!!!

64. Piercing?

none... God gave me all the holes I need :=)

65. Tattoos?


66. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

Books-a-Million... LOL :-D joking... maybe Victoria's Secret ;-)

I'm tagging Afrobabe, Neema Divine, Antipop,SolomonSydelle and anyone else not tagged please be my guest and do the tag


Princess said...

Too many questions! :-)
But pretty interesting answers.

~ScotchBiscuits~ said...

LOL@ all the holes you need!!

You know, when i read english men have the sexiest accents, I could hear you say
"what a big idiot"
goodtyms! I miss You!!

Amelia said...

@ 8: im like that too. I don’t think it’s sad though, juts means we are loyal.
Gosh I don’t know if id kiss someone on a dare, that’s why when playing truth or dare I always go for truth. I’m a coward. Dares scare me.
Getting married after! that’s sweet.
I hate the new face book too. It sucks!
Lol! @ 64, 65
i think english men have great accents too

Amelia said...

@ 8: im like that too. I don’t think it’s sad though, juts means we are loyal.
Gosh I don’t know if id kiss someone on a dare, that’s why when playing truth or dare I always go for truth. I’m a coward. Dares scare me.
Getting married after! that’s sweet.
I hate the new face book too. It sucks!
Lol! @ 64, 65
i think english men have great accents too

Prettylyf said...

I'm with you on hating the new FB

ShonaVixen said...

interesting answers...and its funny how we dont think English men have sexy accents but they're appreciated