Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Boycotting Valentine's Day

This might come as a surprise to you since I am obviously a HOPELESS ROMANTIC. But it's true. I am boycotting Valentine's day. Why you might ask. Well, you see... my friend is just my FRIEND, and all others... well... they don't 'entice' me. (Don't think entice is the right word.) Actually, that's a lie. There are other guys that would be good candidates but have been ruled out for various reasons like... I don't know them (strangers... fine,sexy strangers), they are too far away, I think they are hott, and sweet too but I don't know him well, (yep I was thinking of someone in particular with this one), and they are not 'my friend'!!! I don't even know why I like him!!! He's such a punk. No he's not... I lied again. He's sweet, and sexy, and smart, he makes me smile even when I don't want to, in short... he's as close to perfect as thet come. So because I can't get who I want I'm boycotting Valentine's day.

However, for all of you that have a Valentine, I hope you have a day filled with hugs and kisses and chocolate and roses and sweet love songs and romantic dinners.

p.s. Don't be surprised if tomorrow I come back and tell you how wonderful valentine's day is :-D

and to my friend.... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! (still love you.........)

OH..... How could I forget...

For those of you without a romantic special someone (cuz everyone has speacial people, they just might not be romantic) have fun and don't let envy of all the ppl with ppl get you down... buy yourself flowers, go out with your single friends, have a ball anyway. Don't be a sourpuss(that is such a strange word) like me and boycott the whole lovey dovey hearts and roses thing.

1 comment:

Tandra said...

i hear boycotting LOL

i tried the whole hanging out with friends thing, i hear they wont be caught dead coming off as "single" and more importantly dateless!! LOL