Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Is there really an increase in human sexual desire during Spring???

Abstract: So... I heard of a really interesting phenomenon yesterday. I was told that during the spring time humans have a greater desire to engage in sexual activities (had to make it sound nice :-D ). I am not sure if this is true but it's the explanation a friend of mine gave for the obvious increase in physical attraction to and desire for the opposite sex that we have observed.

Hypothesis: Humans are hornier (is that a proper english word?) during Spring.


  1. Either I have suddenly become way more attractive which I doubt because for the past two weeks my hair has not been looking so nice... in fact it looks horrible, or these guys are just so horny that they cant keep away. Note: I am not talking about one or two guys. Today four different guys were doing some serious flirting avec moi in less that 30 mins! Usually one evry hour is normal... four in 30 mins was a record given my bad hair and all.
  2. I have seen a significant increase in PDA.
  3. There have been an increase in the amount of skin on display by females. (could be a result of the warmer temperatures or a way of attract the opposite sex???)


The behavior of the subjects may be due to that fact that warmer temperatures allow women to wear less clothes and show more skin therefore unknowingly appearing sexier which is driving the men crazy. In which case it may be safe to assume that in the Summer there will a greater increase in this particular behavior. It is also possible that this increase in sexual desire is analogous to the behavior in plant who will be having sex a lot as well during this period.


You tell me what you think!!!

this has got to be the worst scientific report ever written!!!


Tandra said...

lol..this is an interesting theory but doesnt explain things in africa for us..tis "spring" all year round lol..

i believe tis pheromones..but thats just my explanation..

Anonymous said...

hehehhe...plants will also be having sex a lot, huh!?

Anonymous said...

Spring has sprung! But I think winter is the killer season...wat with the cold and all...we need to warmth...and that comes from yo neighbour!


Anonymous said...

Tandra i am with you for us in Africa how do we go about spring and winter?

Savvy Dreamer said...

Hmmmmm... I didn't even think about that and I should have since I'm jamaican and in jamaica its warm all the time... but this is more about "OPTIMAL" tempertures and the fact that spring means 'new life' and therefore people want to procreate... or at least have sex without actually making babies...

I dunno... I just thought it was kind of interesting...

I will continue my studies and report back on my findings :-)

Thanks for ur input.

Dr. J. :-)

KK said...

You are just horny-conscious; somebody mentioned it to you and now you conscious mind is constantly on the lookout for the horniness in people... and what you seek you will find... Ask any theologian. Man, and I use that term like the Bible does, will use any excuse to indulge his sexual desire.
DR. Kei MD.Sx.E

Savvy Dreamer said...

@ KK... that is so true. I kinda wish I hadn't heard about this phenomenon cuz as u put now I'm horny concious and it making life somewhat difficult... these days I think every guy that comes too close or says anything slightly sexy/ual is trying to screw me!!!!!!! However, in some cases I LOVE the attention... got some really hotttt guys at this school!!!

Anonymous said...

sweetie you already know hwat I think.
just came to tell you that you are a nerd.
that scientic report is very scientific(biology and all) therefroe you are a nerd.

Savvy Dreamer said...

@scotchie... I knew u were gonna say that...LOL... but I couldnt resist!!!

Anonymous said...

Ur mind is just filled with sex, isn't it? Anyway, good theory. I've never actually thought about it this way. But I still say ur one horny individual - ever horny. ha ha